Vaccination Clinic Columbia County School District will be hosting a back to School walk in Vaccination Clinic during the summer.
Woodsy the Owl poster contest Erin D. in Mrs. Northcutt’s class is one of the top 4 finalists in the nation for the Woodsy the Owl poster contest!!!! WE are SO PROUD of you Erin. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Join PTO Do you want to be more involved in PTO? Now is your chance, Chair and Board positions available!! Please use this link below to access the self submission form. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to: [email protected]. We have a position for everyone!!!
Digital Learning Day - March 10, 2023 The second semester Digital Learning Day will be here soon. All students may learn from home on this day; however, elementary students now have the option to participate in Digital Learning Day at their school.
Doodle for Google Contest If you would like to enter, pick up an entry form from Mrs. Owen and return it to the art room by February 10th.