Run Hard - Register Feb. 1 Do you like to run? Do you like to motivate and push students out of their comfort zones? Then I have a great opportunity for you…..helping to coach Run Hard. Run Hard is a —- weekly program that involves 2nd – 5th grade students. We meet every Monday and Wednesday after school until 5:00. If you are interested and would like to commit to helping us this season, please email Mrs. Harris at [email protected]
Lost and Found Missing a jacket, lunchbox, or water bottle? It might be at school in the lost and found!
Tardy and Carline Reminders As a friendly reminder, the tardy bell rings at 8:40. Students should be in class before the tardy bell rings. In order to ensure students arrive to class on time, the carline ends at 8:35. Please join our carline located off of Conn Dr. from 8:10-8:35 each morning if this is your child’s mode of transportation. All students arriving late should report to the front of the school. We sincerely appreciate your support and patience as we make the safety and learning environment a priority for your child.
PE & Shoes! For your child's safety and ability to participate with PE activities, please have your child wear tennis shoes on his/her PE day.
Lunchroom Visiting Policy Please remember:No outside food or drink (i.e. food from other establishments) is permitted during the lunch period for students or visitors.