Respectful, Responsible, Eager to Learn Citizens
Information » Attendance Information

Attendance Information

Tardies/Early Dismissal
Dear Parents,
I know you may have seen this policy on tardies and early dismissals on the school website or through our parent orientation, but I thought you might appreciate having a copy for yourself. As far as the school policy is concerned, tardies and leaving early from school are considered the same. Tardies and early dismissals are counted TOGETHER, not separately. ANY TIME missed from a subject area is considered in this policy.

• Tardies/early dismissals are only excused with medical documentation.
• You will receive a letter through the mail on the 3rd, 7th and 10th unexcused tardy/early dismissal.
• At the 13th unexcused tardy/early dismissal, a referral will be made to DFACS.
• Tardies/early dismissals are accumulated by the YEAR. It does not start over at the 2nd semester.

I know that the amount of times your child is late to school or the times your child leaves early can sneak up on you. I just wanted you to be aware of this policy when making plans. 


Revelle Cox 